FOG Kids

Let us help you navigate through the fog. During our sessions, no matter what you are going through we are here for you.

protect Your children

Children sense the emotions around them, react to body language and overhear conversations. We want to protect our children, but its not helpful to exclude or isolate them. After a loss, as an ADULT, we may be numb with shock, overwhelmed with sadness, physically overcome by our grief, just totally at a loss. And then there are the children, we can’t forget them. Unfortunately when a child deals with a loss, they face the cruel reality that the world is not always cupcakes and rainbows.

How We Support

Create Community

Our age-based groups foster community and friendship.

Provide Resources

We provide resources for all forms of grief.

Raise Awareness

We raise awareness that children need support.

Mentors and Volunteers

We have lots of programs and events that we need assistance with

Let us help you

We provide support to help families cope with death, loss and the grieving process and help them establish their “new normal.” Let us help you navigate through the fog. During our sessions, no matter what are going through we are here for you.
Call us to get information on camps, sessions, workshops and activities.