Metro Detroit Nonprofit receives ‘Go 4 It’ award for helping children handle grief

Tamesha Rouse, the founder and CEO of For Our Grieving, has spent years using her grief to help others.
Kim’s Story

A journey that’s taught us to walk comfortably-uncomfortable in the fog of Grief. My “grief story” starts in May 2013 — just about six months after Mr. B and I got married. I was three months pregnant and the ultrasound tech walked out of the room and a maternal fetal medicine specialist walked in with […]
Khan’s Story

Out of the darkness… I became a man. My grandfather, Robert R. Smith, was one of the 2 most important people in my life (the other being my grandmother). Probably the most important thing he did for me is that he was my role model. He loved my grandmother, never used profanity, took care of […]
Tamesha’s Story

Thanksgiving turned to a FOG of grief and back to Thanksgiving again!!! Thanksgiving 2010 was the day the fog began. It’s the day my beautiful sister, Talaya Keshun Williams, passed away at the young age of thirty eight. Thanksgiving was my family’s favorite holiday, especially the sisters; I had two of them and we enjoyed […]